Friday, September 26, 2008

Schooled (Indie Film About Alternative Education)

I'm sharing this e-mail in case anyone who didn't get it is interested. To respond to the author, it's a gmail address and the first part is themusiclives4


My name is Erin Umstead, a graduate of Fairhaven School in Maryland,
which is based off of the Free and Democratic model of Sudbury Valley.

I'm writing because I think your community
would be interested in knowing
about a film written and directed by Brooks Elms
called "Schooled."

It's played at education conferences all over the world
because it challenges viewers to fundamentally re-think
the way they connect with children in the classroom
as well as the living room.

If you agree the film's message seems aligned with
the interests of your community, let me know and
I'll give you the details about how they can see it
at a special discount.

Thank you very much for your time!

All the best
Erin Umstead
Community Connections Team

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

John Holt on

(all quotes, no comments:)

How Children Learn: classic of human, kid-centered learning


Earlier this year, a reader sent me copies of John Holt's classic books on children's education, How Children Learn and How Children Fail and tonight, I finished the first of them (and will be reading the other next). It was one of the most profoundly moving books I've ever read, the truest account of how I remember my best learning experiences as a child and an adult.

Holt was a dedicated teacher and a very, very keen observer of children from babyhood up. Most of How Children Learn takes the form of notes from his diaries, his later reflections on his failures and successes, and letters and feedback from other parents and educators.

Holt's basic thesis is that kids want to learn, are natural learners, and will learn more if we recognize that and let them explore their worlds, acting as respectful co-learners instead of bosses and it continues...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Open Education

Sugata Mitra and Minimally Invasive Education - Confirmation for HomeSchool and UnSchooling Proponents

This could be an excellent link for skeptical relatives, or for new unschoolers who wonder about natural learning. Many of you probably knew about the "Hole in the Wall" project, but this has follow-up and expansion on what was learned then.

Friday, September 5, 2008

World of Warcraft and Unschoolers

15 Minutes of Fame: Horde of Unschoolers
, and interview from January 2008, in WoW Insider. I'm sorry I didn't know about it sooner, but now it has 101 comments. Many of them are predictably lame and tacky, but the interview itself is very nicely done.

One of the quotes is:
Are unschoolers actually succeeding in college and later in life? According to Sarah Spooner, senior admission counselor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, they most assuredly are. "These students are really well motivated, have done their homework and done their research," she affirms. "They're the type of students who excel when they get on a college campus because they can keep themselves in check and make sure they're doing well and succeeding."

I would like to have seen it sooner so I could say my unschooled son works at Blizzard Entertainment, but I can say it here.