Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Australia: "Learning at the home-school of life"

Beverley Hadgraft From: National Features January 28, 2012 7:00PM

Descriptions of and quotes from three different families with different homeschooling styles.

This article was brought here in response to the more alarmist one about homeschoolers not registering in Australia (here). "A more balanced, counter article also appeared in Australia's Herald Sun newspaper," wrote Jo, who sent the link. (Thanks!)


Monday, January 30, 2012

Newsweek: Why Urban, Educated Parents Are Turning to DIY Education

Why Urban, Educated Parents Are Turning to DIY Educatiion
Jan 30, 2012 12:00 AM EST

They raise chickens. They grow vegetables. They knit. Now a new generation of urban parents is even teaching their own kids.

Many of these parents feel that city schools—or any schools—don’t provide the kind of education they want for their kids. Just as much, though, their choice to homeschool is a more extreme example of a larger modern parenting ethos: that children are individuals, each deserving a uniquely curated upbringing. That peer influence can be noxious. (Bullying is no longer seen as a harmless rite of passage.) That DIY—be it gardening, knitting, or raising chickens—is something educated urbanites should embrace. That we might create a sense of security in our kids by practicing “attachment parenting,” an increasingly popular approach that involves round-the-clock physical contact with children and immediate responses to all their cues.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thousands of parents illegally home schooling


By Ian Townsend for Background Briefing
Updated January 29, 2012 13:59:08

As a new school year begins, more than 50,000 Australian children will be home-schooled and in most cases, their parents are doing it illegally.

It is compulsory to send children between the ages of six and 16 to school, or register them for home schooling, but more parents are opting out of the traditional school system and keeping their children at home.

However, thousands of parents across the country are not registered and that means they potentially face prosecution.

Governments have been reluctant to take legal action, but in a landmark case last October, Bob Osmark from the Home Schooling Association of Queensland was prosecuted for not registering with the Home Education Unit to home school his 13-year-old daughter.

Mr Osmark had home-schooled his nine children.

He was charged under the Queensland Education Act that says parents have to enrol children of compulsory school age in a school, or register them for home schooling.

Mr Osmark was found guilty and fined $300 plus costs.

"I didn't register with the Home Education Unit. I refused to do that because I see education as something of a parental right," he said.

"We as parents know and love our children best. It's not some cold faceless bureaucrat in the education department that knows what's best for your child.

(...and there's more)