Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Article about the psychological benefits of video games

How playing a computer game helped me get through the trauma of 9/11
byNaomi Alderman

Schuyler Waynforth wrote:

I found this paragraph particularly interesting:
"But even the overriding force of physical addiction has come under scrutiny. Experiments like Bruce Alexander's famous "Rat Park" suggest that even addiction to morphine may depend on external circumstances. Rats living in tiny metal cages get addicted to morphine. Rats living in a specially designed housing colony, with room to play, the company of other rats of both sexes and abundant food do not."

The article that it leads to is fantastic. http://www.walrusmagazine.com/articles/2007.12-health-rat-trap/ It argues that the cause of addiction is environment. It isn't the drugs that are keeping people addicted. It is so totally why unschooling shouldn't lead to drug addiction, even if it doesn't keep individuals from exploring drugs.


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